
Welcome to our Support page. Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions about POI Map Manager. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team for further assistance.

Getting started

Click on the following link to Download POI Map Manager. You'll be automatically redirected to the cart page. Once in the cart page, click on "Proceed to Checkout".

In the checkout page, insert your billing data and valid email address. Once all the required information has been submitted, click on the button "Place order" and wait for the next page.

In the Order received page, to download POI Map Manager Free click on the yellow button. Now you can install POI Map Manager on you WordPress site, simply uploading the download zip file. If you don't know how to install POI Map Manager, read this guide.

The PRO version of POI Man Manager is not yet available, but it will arrive soon. Sign up to the waiting list to stay updated.

Once you have downloaded the plugin installation zip file, login in your site’s WordPress dashboard.

In the left sidebar click on “Plugins”. In the top corner of the page click on “Upload Plugin”.

Then click on “Choose file” and pick the zip file from your computer.

Now click on “Install now”.

Once POI Map Manager has been installed, click on “Activate Plugin“.

If POI Map Manager has been activated correctly, you’ll we see the “POI Manager” menu.

Once logged in to your WordPress site dashboard, click on the "POI Manager" menu.

Once the new page has been loaded, click on "Add new" on the top corner of the page.

Insert all the necessary information for the map (e.g. Title, description, Styles, etc) in the following box.

To save the new map, click on "Publish" button.

Once logged in to your WordPress site dashboard, move the mouse hover the "POI Manager" and then select "Locations".

Once the new page has been loaded, click on "Add new" on the top corner of the page.

Step1: Insert the location data

In this step we'll add all the necessary information for the location (e.g. Title, description, Styles, etc). For example we name this location "My Favourite Spot" and we write a description, a short description and we tell to the visitors, why they should visit that spot.

Step 2: Add a custom tab

In this step we add a custom tab to the location page. In this tab, for example, we'll provide a PDF flyer.

Click on the button "Add empty tab".

Enter the necessary information for the tab, as described below. In the tab content you can insert link, format the text and insert an ordered or unordered list.

Step 3: Add an image gallery

In this step we'll add an image gallery with the images of the spot. Click on the button "Add/edit gallery".

Through the media dialog, select all the images by pressing CTRL (on Windows or Linux) or CMD (on MacOS) and selecting all the images we'd like to show for the location with the left click on the mouse. You can upload a new images using the tab "Upload files". Once you have selected all the desired images, click on "Select" on the righe bottom corner of the Media dialog.

Now, you should see all the selected images for the location.

Step 4: Insert coordinates

In this step you'll learn how set up the coordinates for this location. For this example, we setup this location as a single point on the map and we enter only one couple of coordinates (one latitude and one longitude). Select the level 1 to insert this location on the first level of the map.

There are many type of location you can setup:

  • Circle Area (with a center and radius);
  • Path on the map (with a start point, many middle points and a final point);
  • Area on the map (multiple coordinates to design an area on the map).

To save the new location, click on "Publish" button.

Common problems

When i open a map, the website shows the 404 not found error.

Opening a map page results in the "404 Not found" error. To solve this problem, you need to rewrite the WordPress' permalink structure:

  1. Log in to Your WordPress Dashboard;
  2. In the left-hand menu, hover over “Settings.”
  3. Click on “Permalinks” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the blue button "Save settings".

Now, refresh the map page and you should see the map.

In order to operate correctly, POI Map Manager requires a Mapbox token. You can get one for free by creating (if you don't already have it) a Mapbox account from the official website:

Once you have create your Mapbox account and signed-in successfully, go to this page:

Click on the button "Create Token".

In the new page, provide a name for the new token (e.g. name of your website) and select the scopes as shown below:

Scroll to find the "Token restrictions" section. Write the domain of your website in the proper field and the click on "Add URL".

If the URL has been added correctly, you should see below the URL field as shown below.

To create the new token, click on "Create token" button and confirm you Mapbox passwod if requested.

Now you should see the newly created token below the default token in the tokens table. Click on the clipoboard icon to copy the create token.

Once you have copied the token, open your WordPress website dashboard, move the cursor on the "POI Manager" menu and then click on "Settings".

Click on the tab "API & Keys" and paste the created token in "MapBox token" field. Now, click on "Save settings" and reload the map.

If the locations doesn't appear in the map, follow this steps:

  1. Check if the location has been added to the map. Follow this guide to find out how to do it.
  2. Check the coordinates format. The coordinates must be entered using a dot as separator.

Haven’t found the answer you were looking for? Read the full documentation or contact us.

Contact us

We are here to help you!

Need assistance? Please fill out the form below to request support. Our team is ready to help you with any issues or questions you may have. Provide as much detail as possible so we can serve you better. Thank you!
